Blood Parrot Cichlid Information

The following information is provided to make you aware of the chemical dyes used to create the colors of this recently popular fish.  The Blood Parrot originated from hybrid breeding of cichlids in Taiwan in the late 1980s.  It is distinct from the freshwater Parrot Cichlids (Hoplarchus Psittacus) and the saltwater Parrot Fish (Callyodon fasciatus).  It has no scientific name, since it is not a species that produces offspring.

Getting to Know the Blood Parrot Fish

In hobbyists aquarium world, many interbreed one kind of ornamental fish to another, specially the cichlids family. Cichlids are the favorite of the breeders because there are so many varieties of cichlids and they respond to opposite sex regardless of their kind as long as they are in same cichlids family. The Parrot fish or The Blood Parrot or Blood Parrotfish, is one of the favorites for interbreeding among cichlids.

The Blood Parrot fish did not originally exist. They are a unique hybrid fish of two different kinds of cichlids. The Blood Parrot fish is very famous to aquarium hobbyists because they have these unique characteristics that many people love.  They have a very small, open mouth, that shaped like they are going to kiss. Their body is usually round, and their colors are from yellow, orange, pink, red, and bright red. Their nose looks like parrot beak that’s why they got the name parrot fish.

Blood Parrot cichlid - General information

General information - Parrot fish are man-made cross-bred cichlid.
Parrot fish are man-made cross-bred cichlid.
The Blood Parrots have been in the market for many years but became very common in the recent years. This hybrid was first created in Taiwan in late 80s and since it is one of the most popular cichlid in many countries. How it was created is still shady but according to some breeders the blood parrot is the offspring of the severum with the red devil cichlid or the Midas cichlid and the Vieja synspila. There are more types of parrot cichlids available in the market, bubblegum parrot cichlids and jellybean parrot cichlids are not "pure" blood parrot but hybrid between parrot cichlid and convict cichlid. The blood parrot available in a variety of colors, bright yellow, orange and red.

Blood Parrot Cichlid

The parrot cichlid was created in Taiwan in the late 80s and the first specimens of the first form of parrot cichlids, the blood parrot cichlid, was introduced to the market in 1986. It then took some time before these fish became known in the west. The term parrot cichlid can also refer to Hoplarchus Psittacus.

The exact origin behind this hybrid is unknown. It is however a result of cross breeding between different South American cichlids. The most accepted theory is that The blood parrot cichlid is the result of cross breeding a male "Cichlasoma citrinellum" (midas cichlid) and a female "Cichliasoma synspilum" (redhead cichlid). There are however also a number of theories that thinks that parrot cichlids contain genes from some kind of Severum cichlid.

Blood Parrot Cichlid Fish

Suggestions on Blood Parrot Cichlid Care and Breeding

Nor do they have a organic habitat. Why, you may possibly ask? Blood parrots are a man-manufactured hybrid. They are, in truth, 1 of the only two fish species discovered inside of the Exotic-Aquariums Fish Care and Breeding Guide completely of guy-manufactured origins. Prevalent speculation factors to the subsequent cichlid species as the possible candidates of parental origins; the redhead cichlid (Cichlasoma synspilum) and the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) or a coupling between the red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus) and the severum (Heros severus). Regardless of the reality that all of the aforementioned species are native to both Central or South America, the blood parrot is deemed an Asian cichlid simply because of the geographical area of its hybridization.

Blood Parrot Cichlids Fish Info

Parrot cichlids as they are aptly called due to their small pointy mouth size that resembles a parrot is a hybrid type of cichlids that is produced by cross breeding different types of fish together. Due to its nature of being a cross bred species; the fish does not actually have a scientific name assigned and given to it. The blood parrot fish although most claim to be a docile community fish but in actual fact, it can very moody at times and the behavior can turn into aggressive but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have them together with your other pet fish.

About Blood Parrot

Over the past few years a number of friends have asked me about the Blood Parrot. My stock response is short and sweet, "Don't buy them!". Then a reader posed the following question:

"We recently purchased a pair of parrot fish. They are bright orange and very friendly. Unfortunately we fell in love and didn't get a lot of information on them. We understand that they are a cross breed of some kind, possibly red devils. The thing is, they have laid eggs, and we are wondering what we should do, or if the eggs will hatch. We would really appreciate any information you can give us. Thanks"

Blood Parrot Fish

Bloody Parrot ~ Blood Parrotfish ~ Jellybean Parrot

The Blood Parrot is just about the most curious result of cichlids interbreeding, and has created quite a stir in the aquarium hobby!

Photo © Animal-World: Courtesy Giannis
It is not uncommon for cichlids to interbreed in a hobbyists aquarium. When they are in spawning mode, they will often respond to a fish of the opposite sex whether it is the same species or another fish of a closely related species. The Blood Parrot, also called the Bloody Parrot or Blood Parrotfish, are a unique hybrid fish. They do not occur in nature.

The Blood Parrots have a very small mouth and a roundish "balloon" shaped body. Perhaps they are called Parrotfish because their nose looks like a 'parrots' beak. They can be solid or have a "calico" patterning or blotching., are available in a variety of colors. They range from basic pale or bright yellows, to oranges and reds. Dyed fish sport purples, pinks, blues, and more colors. These are generally sold as the 'Jellybean Parrot' and 'Bumble Gum Parrot' though there are also names that describe them by their color such as 'Purple Parrot'. Then there are Blood Parrots described by their physical appearance such as the 'Love Heart Parrot' which has no tail fin.

Blood parrot cichlid

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A blood parrot cichlid
The blood parrot cichlid (also known as parrot cichlid and bloody parrot; no binomial nomenclature) is a hybrid cichlid. The fish was first created in Taiwan in around 1986.[1] Its parentage is unknown, but the most commonly speculated pairings are midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) with the redhead cichlid (Cichlasoma synspilum), or the severum (Heros severus) with the red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus).[2] Blood parrots should not be confused with other parrot cichlids or salt water Parrotfish (family: Scaridae).[3]

King Kong Parrots

King Kong Parrots, Ingots - Informations courtesy of
The differences between Red Mommon, Red Ingot and Blood Parrot, King Kong Parrot
Posted Image

Blood Parrot Information and Pictures

Blood Parrot
(Red Parrot Fish) (Blood Parrotfish)