

Common Name
Scientific Name Of The Species
  • Usual maximum size in fish tanks (min-max):
    24 - 28 cm ( 9.45" - 11.02")
  • Water pH for Flowerhorn should be maintained within the range:
    7 - 7.5
  • Water hardness (dGH):
    6 - 25 °N
  • Recommended water temperature for Flowerhorn:
    25 - 30 °C ( 77 - 86 °F )
  • Compatibility when kept in fish tanks (to it's own species):
    aggressive (visit this article)
  • Fish' temperament toward other species:
    aggressive (visit this article)
  • Preferred place when kept in fish tanks:
    Middle levels
  • How this species reproduces:
  • Origin of the species:
    Cultivated form
Information about care

The Flowerhorn species does not exist in the wild, since it is a hybrid between Amphilophus citrinellus and Cichlasoma trimaculatum. Because of this reason, it has no scientific name.

This fish is also known as Flower Horn, Lump Head Cichlid, Malaysia Rajah Cichlasoma, Hualorhan, or Luohan. Flowerhorns were originally bred in the Central America and due to their size, they require large tanks; at least 300 litres per 1 adult fish. Males are more aggressive than females. Give them enough empty space and don't keep 2 adult males in one tank, since the stronger one will probably kill the second one. If you consider keeping Flowerhorn with other fish, make sure they're aggressive and large enough.

Feed them snails, small fish, earthworms, pellets, tablets.

Breeding isn't very difficult. You need to increase the temperature and wait until they lay eggs. Laying about 1000 eggs was reported already. The male protects the eggs. The eggs hatch in 3 days and the young are moved to large, previously dug, pits where the parents continue their care.

Questions and answers
Visitors of Aqua-Fish.Net keep asking questions and we keep answering them; That's how the below-listed questions were collected and answered later. On March 19th 2011 they were merged with this page after being published at for some time. If you want to ask, then use a form at the bottom of this page, please (ensure that your question hasn't been answered on this page already).

Why can’t my flowerhorn tell which way is up?
Answer: It could be a common case of swim bladder disorder. The swim bladder is the organ that allows a fish to know which way is up or down. Swim bladder disorder is the condition that messes up the equilibrium of the fish causing it to become disoriented.

What types of fish can I keep with flowerhorns?
Answer: Because of the aggressiveness of the flowerhorn fish, it is not recommended to keep anything other than another flowerhorn with them, however if your tank is large enough and has enough hiding spaces you may be able to keep a pleco or other large cichlids with your flowerhorn.

What size fish tank is better for my flowerhorn?
Answer: Flowerhorn cichlids can grow to be over a foot long and can live for as long as 12 years. When small, the flowerhorn can be kept in a 55 gallon aquarium with plenty of caves and territories. As it gets older, the flowerhorn will require a much larger space of at least 125 gallon tank.

My flowerhorn has laid eggs, what do I do now?
Answer: Flowerhorn make very good parents protecting the fry, let them get on with the job of incubating the eggs; it may take a few batches before you get any successful hatchings. Keep an eye on the male to make sure he is not aggressive to the female, if so then separate the fish with a tank divider.

When do flower horns start growing a hump?
Answer: The hump on the forehead develops as the fish ages; it is usually more dominant on the alpha male. There is no fixed age; some males develop the hump quicker than others.

How do you sex flower horn fish?
Answer: Sexing these fish is generally easy, as adults the female will have a smaller hump.

When does a flower horn grow full size?
Answer: Flower horns live for 8-10 years and are normally fully grown at 18 months but it may take longer for the nuchal hump to appear on their forehead.
